Case Studies
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NetScout Threat Intelligent App
The Splunk App for Netscout allows the user to gather benefits of Netscout threat intelligence on Splunk data.
Splunk Add-on for PureStorage Flashblade
Delivered visualizations for the users to review timely performance and detailed analysis of an array or file systems.
Mission Control Plugins
We developed a number of closed and open-source Mission Control Plugins using the plugin framework across CASB, Threat Intel, EDR, VAPT, and Cloud solutions.
Risk IQ: Splunk App Development for PassiveTotal
Crest built integrations of RiskIQ Passivetotal into Splunk and provided a consistent user experience to enable monitoring from a single source for security teams.
Databricks: Splunk Integration for Security Use Cases
Crest developed Databricks notebooks to collect and parse AWS Cloud Trail , AWS VPC logs and Syslogs data from S3 buckets into Databricks environment for further processing.
Cisco ACI App ServiceNow
Built integration with ServiceNow and ACI platform so that the user can pull various IT assets and create a relationship between the modules internally as well as with the ServiceNow CMDB table.
Check Point Adaptive Response Integration
Crest helped Check Point team to achieve their goal by designing Adaptive Response actions in Splunk.
Symantec ATP Automates Security Incident with Phantom
Symantec ATP team partnered with Crest to create playbooks for Phantom’s SOAR platform that provides incident response for out of the box actions and flexibility to customize incident response to fit end-customer’s needs.
Symantec ATP App
Symantec ATP app provides various visualizations for Network, Endpoint and Email threat protection using Splunk.
Digital Shadows App
The Splunk app for Digital Shadows allows Splunk software administrator to collect incident using modular inputs.
Splunk Application Development for NetApp SANtricity
This app provides visibility into the health and performance of NetApp E-Series and EF-Series storage systems and lets the user track array, controller and volume performance.
Splunk Enterprise App Development for DELL EMC Isilon
Enhanced visibility into the cluster including inventory, performance, and critical events with detailed drill-downs, built-in correlation resulting in comprehensive analytics & faster problem resolution.
Cisco ACI application
This app collects data from Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) events, health scores and inventory data to deliver centralized visibility.
Operationalize Twitter’s Observability Infrastructure
Crest Data offered a comprehensive solution for managing Twitter's Observability and Splunk Infrastructure.
Splunk Professional Services for Retailer
Leading retailer gains competitive advantage by getting deep business insights while reducing Splunk Admin Costs by more than 50%.
Splunk Enterprise Managed Services
Crest helped Autodesk to improve their Splunk uptime while reducing their Administration costs by 60%.