Kong AI Gateway Integration with Datadog

Enhanced Observability and Performance for AI Powered Applications

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Key Benefits

Advanced Observability

Centralized Management

Seamless Integration

Improved Application Performance


Real-Time AI Traffic Monitoring

Quality Assurance of AI Services

AI Security and Compliance

Key Features

Integration Requirements

Real-Time AI Traffic Monitoring

Advanced AI Metrics

Seamless AI Integrations

Centralized Management

The Datadog Agent

Kong AI Gateway

Datadog Sites

Kong AI Gateway is a powerful extension of Kong Gateway, designed to manage and secure AI traffic across various large language model (LLM) providers. It simplifies the integration of AI services with existing API infrastructure, offering advanced capabilities like AI context management, prompt engineering, and no-code AI integrations. The AI Gateway supports major LLMs such as OpenAI, Azure AI, Cohere, Anthropic, and more, enabling organizations to adopt AI faster and more securely.

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