ElasticSearch to
Splunk Migration

Automated Tool for Hassle-free, Error-free Migration

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Why Migrate from ElasticSearch to Splunk?

Customers often begin their journey of gaining operational intelligence with an open source platform as the barrier to entry is low. But as the monitoring or analytics teams find more use cases they run into several problems:

  • Security use cases may not be supported

  • Broad integration ecosystem may be missing

  • Community-based support makes it difficult to commit to SLAs

  • Managing large-scale deployment costs more time & money

So, as the analytics journey of Enterprises mature and customers realize the need to migrate from ElasticSearch, customers often find that their “sunk” investment in ElasticSearch to be a major impediment to migration to Splunk.

Key Benefits of Splunk Migration Tool

Automated Process

  • Zero-touch Dashboard Migration

  • Migrate Hot, Warm, and Cold Bucket Data seamlessly

  • Real-time Progress Tracking

Reduce Migration Time

  • Reduce Dashboard Migration Time from Weeks to Hours

  • Preview Charts before Migration

  • Use automation to replace tedious error-prone manual tasks

Reduce Operational Cost

  • Human effort shifts from manually migration to verifying business logic

  • Save up to 20X reduction in time to migrate

  • $100K+ cost savings to migrate 1,000 charts

Major Functions and Stats of ElasticSearch
Migration Tool

ElasticSearch tool will automate the tasks of migrating the data and visualizations
from ElasticSearch.

It triggering actions, such as, creating Splunk Index, migrating specific data from any index to another, and migrating dashboards/visualizations.

Below are the Four major functions are performed by our ElasticSearch Migration tool:

  • Migrate index data from ELK server with the option to select the start and end-date of events (per index)

  • List and migrate all visualizations per dashboard and name of index used to create the visualization

  • Real-time tracking of index data migration from ELK to Splunk

  • Live-preview of the migrated Visualizations in Splunk Environment so that the administrator can checkpoint prior to automatic migration

Product Snapshots

Chart Preview by Poverty Level

Migrate Visualization

Chart Preview of Projects by Resource Type

Track Migration