Elasticsearch to
Splunk Migration

Automated Tool for Hassle-free Error-free Migration

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Key Benefits

Automated Process

Reduce Migration time

Reduce Operational cost

Automated Tool for Hassle-free and Error-free ElasticeSearch Data Migration

  • Is your historical data and high-volume data ingestion preventing you from migrating your Data Analytics infrastructure?

  • Is recreating Elastic Search dashboards into Splunk too much effort? Is the effort of migrating your Analytics platform cost-prohibitive?
    Organizations generate an ever-increasing amount of data every day – every application, server, network device, firewall, and IoT devices produce an enormous amount of machine data that has the potential to provide deep business insights.

  • There are several data analytics platforms available in the market today but two stand out as clear winners – Elasticsearch (ELK) and Splunk. Splunk is the first market leader in log/machine data analytics. However, customers do like the “open source” alternative particularly because of its low cost of entry.

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