Elasticsearch to
Splunk Migration
Automated Tool for Hassle-free Error-free Migration
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Key Benefits
Automated Process
Reduce Migration time
Reduce Operational cost
Automated Tool for Hassle-free and Error-free ElasticeSearch Data Migration
Is your historical data and high-volume data ingestion preventing you from migrating your Data Analytics infrastructure?
Is recreating Elastic Search dashboards into Splunk too much effort? Is the effort of migrating your Analytics platform cost-prohibitive?
Organizations generate an ever-increasing amount of data every day – every application, server, network device, firewall, and IoT devices produce an enormous amount of machine data that has the potential to provide deep business insights.There are several data analytics platforms available in the market today but two stand out as clear winners – Elasticsearch (ELK) and Splunk. Splunk is the first market leader in log/machine data analytics. However, customers do like the “open source” alternative particularly because of its low cost of entry.
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