Trustar: Trustash integrations
Crest developed TruStashes using the TruSTAR framework (third pary integrations).
Home > Case Studies > Trustar: Trustash integrations
Executive Summary
Crest Data developed TruStashes using the TruSTAR framework, which are third party integrations, whose data we want to ingest into the TruSTAR platform. Most of the time this data are the Incident Reports.
Business Challenge
TruSTAR being a threat-sharing platform, the ability to read threat data from multiple threat sources is absolutely necessary. Given the fact that each threat source represents the data in different formats, normalizing it prior to ingestion is required. To level up the challenge, the number of new threat sources to be integrated is huge. There's a need for a well-defined integration development process that standardizes the normalization process required.
Customer Solution
Crest Data developed TruStashes using the TruSTAR framework, which are third party integrations, whose data we want to ingest into the TruSTAR platform. Most of the time this data are the Incident Reports. As part of TruStash development, Following actions were implemented:
Analyzed third party data sources to determine which IOC data to consider
Pull IOC data from third party providers using Rest API
Submit IOC data to TruSTAR platform
Crest Data developed 25+ TruStashes of two types, Closed source and Open source.